AUDA-NEPAD in partnership with PATH, hosted a three-day capacity building workshop on medical products regulatory systems strengthening and regulatory harmonisation in Africa. The workshop held at the Radisson Blue International Convention Centre in Kigali, Rwanda on 27 to 29 June 2024 brought together heads of identified National Regulatory Authorities and their legal experts, civil society...
The National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill represents landmark legislation aimed at transforming healthcare delivery in South Africa. Signed into law in May by President Cyril Ramaphosa, the NHI Bill holds the promise of universal healthcare coverage for all citizens. However, like any significant policy shift, it comes with its share of advantages and challenges. To...
SAHTAC hosted a policy brief training on the 19 and 20 October 2023 at the Capital on Park Hotel in Johannesburg. Fifteen coalition members were trained in two days. The training aimed to strengthen the capacity of SAHTAC members to be able to use scientific evidence in policy briefs and publications to inform and or...
The 2023 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting (GCAM) held under the theme “Science Saves Lives” took place in Dakar Senegal from 08 – 11 October 2023 to explore how the global health community can expand the frontiers of science and innovation to save and improve lives. This year’s annual meeting marks the 20th anniversary of the...
As the South African Health Technologies Advocacy Coalition (SAHTAC), a network of over 20 organizations, we write to urge the South African government to ratify the AMA Treaty. We believe it is a historic opportunity for South Africa to be at the forefront of shaping the future of access to medicines and economic progress across...
The 3rd Africa Health Research and Innovation Funder’s Forum (AHRIFF) was held at Asara Wine Estate in Stellenbosch Cape Town from 24 – 26 August 2023. This is the third of the two previous Funders Forum meetings. The revolution of this meeting was influenced by a study conducted by Paruk. F. et al. 2014 entitled...
The 2023 UN High-level meeting (UN HLM) on universal health coverage (UHC) took place on 21 September 2023. It provided countries and stakeholders an opportunity to reinvigorate progress towards delivering health for all. A number of civil society events happening on the sidelines of the UN HLM between 18 to 22 September provided a plethora...
We the undersigned organizations under the Coalition for Health Research and Development (CHReaD) and the South African Health Technologies Advocacy Coalition (SAHTAC) would like to appreciate the effort made so far to support the operationalisation of AMA. We recognise the efforts by AUC and AUDA-NEPAD to ensure the administrative and technical aspects of AMA are...
Calling for increased investment in health research and development Context and Landscape of Health R&D in SA We, the South African Health Technologies Advocacy Coalition (SAHTAC), a civil- society coalition which advocates for an enabling environment for health research and development, recognises that, the South African government has demonstrated its commitment to the Health Research...
INTRODUCTION Recognising the potential of advocacy to impact South Africa’s innovation system, a group of non-governmental organisations launched the South African Health Technologies Coalition (SAHTAC) in 2016. Through coordinated advocacy, SAHTAC is underscoring the importance of increasing access to lifesaving technologies across the spectrum. SAHTAC is enabling all member organisations to achieve mutually shared goals...