Catalysing health R&D, innovation and access

South African Health Technologies Advocacy Coalition

SAHTAC Newsletter November/December 2022

November/December 2022





SAHTAC, CHReaD and PAN host side event at the International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) 2022

SAHTAC, the Coalition for Health Research and Development (CHReaD) and Pandemic Action Network (PAN) jointly hosted an official side event during the second International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) in Kigali, Rwanda.
The event was titled, Expanding local and regional production of medical countermeasures in Africa. The event was held at the Kigali Convention Centre on 12 December. The hybrid event was joined by 17 participants online and attending in person. The participants were from multiple sectors including civil society, patient groups, academia, and the private sector. To read the preliminary report click here.




The National Health Research Strategy & Prioritisation Framework Workshop 2nd Session

The second National Health Research Strategy Priority Framework webinar was held on the 25th of November 2022. This was a build-up session from the first one which was held only with the Coalition members on the 19th of October 2022. In this second session, we invited one of the committee members that drafted this policy to come through and enlighten the team on this policy document. Our guest speaker was Professor Mushi Matjila. For more click here.



OPINION: New research and implementing lessons from COVID-19 are key to SA’s future TB intervention plans  

Our health systems endured a heavy – often invisible – cost during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the country was focused on the battle against this pandemic, long-fought gains against other infectious diseases were being rolled back. And none more so than with tuberculosis.
SAHTAC Steering Committee Members, SA Medical Research Council and other Infectious Diseases Research Unit (HIDRU) Senior Research Manager- Neetha Morar and South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative Communications Manager- Kelvin Vollenhoven tackle SA’s future TB intervention plans in this Spotlight NSP opinion piece. For more click here.



SAHTAC participates in the SAMRC Sub-Saharan Africa Funders Forum

SAHTAC was invited to attend the Second SAMRC Sub-Saharan Africa Funders Forum. SAHTAC was represented by John Mdluli from the secretariate. The forum brought together Not-for-Profits, Philanthropies, Development Banks and government departments from around the continent and the globe. The meeting was held in Cape Town on 20 to 22 November 2022. The aim of the Forum was to promote collaboration between all stakeholder, to provide case studies of successful programs, as well as highlight areas for improvement. For more click here.



The Scientific Literacy Ethic and Policy Brief Training
Policy and Advocacy Department of IAVI held a training on Scientific literacy research ethics and translation of research findings into policies and best practices Trainer of Trainers (ToT) on the 15-18 November at the Raddison Red Hotel in Johannesburg. For more click here.




On World AIDS Day, we call for Equal access to health services for all!  SAHTAC stands in solidarity with all those living with and affected by HIV. #Equalise #WAD2022 #WorldAIDSDay2022






SAHTAC coalition members Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) and The Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP)  hosted a CPHIA2022 side event on ‘Turning the tide on neonatal sepsis in Africa’.




PATH hosted the Vaccines Against Shigella and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VASE) Conference in Washington, DC where more than 300 experts traveled from around the world to learn about the latest enteric vaccine research.



Desmond Tutu Health Foundation hosted a World Aids Day event at Philippi Village.




  • Annual General Meeting- Tentative dates are 16 and 17February 2023, venue to be confirmed



Please remember to like our social media pages, Facebook and LinkedIn and we will appreciate if you tag, post, share content, like and comment. Looking forward to vibrant social media campaigns as we promote the prioritization of Health R&D.



Members are encouraged to share articles, activities and events with the Secretariat to be featured in this monthly update newsletter.


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